Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A baptism, a new companion, and a car (well a mini-van)

Hi everyone!

Wow it was such an amazing week. This week we had zone conference and were able to hear from President Polley. This conference focuses a lot on listening to our investigators and to the spirit so that we could teach to their needs. Sister Humphries and I were able to take what we learned and apply it as we taught Jessie. Jessie recently married a member and in the last couple of lessons was really shy. We were able to ask her questions and she opened up about her concerns about being baptized. We then were able to teach more to her needs and help her start to resolve those concerns. A couple days later we texted her a scripture. She replied back that she prayed before reading and that it helped her understand the scripture. It was so exciting to see her recognize that God does answer our prayers. He will help us understand the gospel if we will turn to him in prayer. 

This week we also had interviews with President Polley, exchanges, and stake conference. I was able to learn a lot from all of these meetings and I left being super excited for this upcoming transfer. I went on exchanges up in Boerne and that is closer to the country so I got to see stars. There we did service at a thrift store. People donate weird stuff. I also saw my first long horn on the way to the stake center. 

The weather has been super nice this week. On Saturday we were able to walk around and talk to people who were outside and enjoying the weather. That afternoon we were able to hand out a couple of Book of Mormon to people. :)

I love driving a minivan. At first it was weird to drive and park a car ( I felt like I was 16 again) , but I am getting used to it. Luckily we are good on miles because I sometimes take the long way to get places.

Carrie, our YSA investigator, is back from Mexico! She came to stake conference on Sunday and is super sweet. She is really close to being baptized so more to come from her next week. 

Sister Humphries is amazing! She is great at going up and talking to everyone and always is offering service. She has been a great navigator and has been patient with me as I drove this week. ( We got a mom minivan this week. We named her Debbie). 

I love being able to serve the people here in Texas. As I have served the people, I have grown to love them so much! 

Sister Olsen 

Pic 1  zone conference 
Pic 2 picture with the mom van  
Pic 3 riding in the dirt (before we got our car)
Pic 4  I found some cheese

Hi everyone!

It was a great first week with Sister Humphries. She has been out for 3 months and is from Riverside California. She is really nice and is an amazing missionary. She has been awesome at leading out the area. It always takes some time to learn the area and get to know the people, so she has been super helpful. 

Our car is getting fixed because it got hail damage last spring. So, we had a member drive us all around San Antonio on Saturday afternoon to visit people. (The congregation is all of the young single adults that live in the North and East parts of the city). It was a lot of fun and we were able to meet Quetta. She is a investigator that they were teaching for a while, but weren't able to come in contact with during the Holidays. She is super sweet and we should be teaching her this upcoming week. 

This week we also stopped by a less active family in our family Ward. We were able to sit down with her and hear about her struggles. We were able to share with her how through Christ's Atonement we are able grow and become better. She was very grateful for our visit and said that is just what she needed. I always love it when we are guided to those who need our message. I know that lessons like this one are never a coincidence.

The highlight of the week was seeing Jeanne being baptized. I don't think I can adequately express how joyful the occasion was. I just kept remembering when we first met her. We were just walking around her complex, when we came across Jeanne feeding her cute little kittens. At first we didn't know how interested she was is, but we kept going back and teaching her. Overtime, she came to an understanding of the gospel. My last lesson with her she bore her testimony of the Book of Mormon. It was so tender and sweet. Everything with the baptism went well. I am so happy that I was able to make it. I look forward to hearing about her growth as a recent convert. 

Have a great week!
Sister Olsen

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